Even though everything is inner connected (in the sense that everything changes as an effect of some other force), I find it impossible to function without a focus on individualism. This bothers me because it makes me feel less connected to the larger scheme of things. Also, it makes the daily things I do feel sort of frivolous. The problem is, what would direct my choices & actions if I didn't act on a singular level (which Steph pointed out the necessity of doing to me :D)?
I suppose I would die & become part of the Earth or I could become a Buddhist monk or continue learning about quantum to become more in tune with things that are larger than I. Ironically, all of these options deal with my singular self.
Additionally, what I can't bridge between is the cross over from scientific concepts like time space & Gaia (though this one lends itself more) to political & social economic issues. Science makes me not want to be involved with messy things like politics & social issues. I view politics, ect. as purely human-made issues. In my mind, maybe wrongly so, science & quatum theory, ect. hold more gravity (no pun). They are based in things that we have no control over & that will continue to exist despite us (even if we change them
while we're around). Political issues, ect. will die with our species (thankfully).
(foto) Speaking of problems with individualism,
here is me with a hot pink clay model of my
face a la Stephanie.
The second photo is me being existentially consumed represented
by the figure and Steph's dinosaur face.
No ways. Dolphins are totally gonna take politicking from us and bury us with their bureaucracy. And then they'll use their dolphin-lasers (courtesy of science) to end our species.
you disappeared from facebook. What kind of shit is that, up an leaving like that! Stephanie is a bad influence on you.
I'm in Japan right now. I met up with Erika, she says hi and all that jazz. Also, I got you an omiyage, but I'm holding it ransom until we hang out.
I'm moving up to EL as soon as possible. I see tea with my new tea set in our future.
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