Sunday, November 16, 2008

Buy Nothing Day

If you're in Novi, MI or around the Twelve Oaks Mall you can join me in celebrating Buy Nothing Day! Here's the basic info:

Where: Twelve Oaks Mall (we'll decide where to meet closer to the day).

When: Friday, November 28th, early in the morning- around 6 am.

Why: To protest consumerism and corporate greed. With the economy falling apart people are buying less, but there is more pressure than ever being put on consumers to buy crap they don't need. Let's get together and remind people that money will NOT buy them happiness (and that consumerism leads to social inequality and environmental destruction).

What to bring: Zombie costumes! Fliers! Signs! You can make things that say "Buy Nothing Day," "You Are Not What You Buy," and "End Consumerism and Live for FREE!" or what have you. Look at for information, inspiration, and hope. Oh yeah, and don't forget to bring friends, family, and strangers who want to help out.

RSVP by commenting, emailing me, calling me, or showing up at my door for tea and anti-consumerism discussion. Anyone and everyone is invited... if you don't know me PLEASE send a message so I can make sure you get the info about where to meet!


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